
I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. - Einstein

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. - Einstein

All human beings have a measure of curiosity. Animals too are curious. From an evolutionary point of view, curiosity is important, as to survive an animal must find opportunities to eat and to procreate. It must also be vigilant for predators and needs to learn their habits. However, as well as conferring survival value, curiosity also poses dangers. An animal that exits its burrow to investigate might get eaten.

Knowledge is like an island. The more knowledge, the greater the shore of the unknown. Uncurious people stand with their backs to the shore. A possible reason for lack of curiosity is that to be curious about something we don't know means having to admit our ignorance. This goes against our pride.

The jocular definition of a bore is someone more interested in themselves than in me. People are mainly interested in things that relate to their own lives in some way. Many listen in order to respond, rather than to take in what is being said by the other person. In general, curious people are more likeable and more interesting because it is easier to connect and share our lives with them. They also tend to be more open and flexible and exhibit a certain freshness in their views. A curious person is more likely to re-examine their own views and to admit to having prejudices. Rather than giving a blanket denial, they are likely to meet a contrary view with the question, Why do you think that?

I know a man who led an extraordinary life, spending years living with indigenous people, including hunter-gatherers. Yet very few people he knows have ever shown any interest in his experiences. To me this is definitive proof that curiosity is in short supply.

All of civilisation - science, technology, writing, art, exploration and philosophy - are the result of someone being curious about something. Because they aroused curiosity, puzzles, anomalies and paradoxes have played an important historical role in the development of science, mathematics, logic and philosophy.

Perhaps the essence of curiosity is a willingness to focus outside oneself, being lured by mystery and the unknown.

Curiosity includes the attempt to breach the ultimate frontier - to enter the mind of another person.

Tad Boniecki
July 2021